Creating a world where all people can shine through artCreating a world where all people can shine through art
Spot Lights ~ アートを通じてすべての人が輝く社会をSpot Lights ~ アートを通じてすべての人が輝く社会を
Creating a world where all people can shine through artCreating a world where all people can shine through art
Spot Lights ~ アートを通じてすべての人が輝く社会をSpot Lights ~ アートを通じてすべての人が輝く社会を
Creating a world where all people can shine through artCreating a world where all people can shine through art


You too can shine. With the power of art, there is a spotlight for everyone.

AboutSpot Lights について

Spot Lightsは、ダイバーシティ、インクルーシブ、ウェルビーイングな社会の実現を目指す、アート・エンターテイメント事業です。

The Spot Lights project promotes diversity and inclusion. We believe all people can shine as artists.

豊かな未来 A rich future


We hope to enrich people’s futures by bringing art into their daily lives.

  • Our Vision- 目指す未来 -


    A world where diverse backgrounds and values are recognized and people can express themselves freely.

  • Our Mission- 私たちの使命 -


    To help as many people as possible discover self expression through art.

  • Our Value- 私たちの価値 -


    We are here to foster a community where every person feels included. We want to highlight the art and beauty of using the body for self-expression. We are pushing the boundaries of what people consider art.

ダンス教室事業Dance School

  • JP
  • EN



Our new approach to dance class provides an opportunity to interact with art, express yourself, and become part of a new community.

Both our individual and group classes are open to people of all ages. We welcome children and adults who need extra support. We are excited to work with each person to create a meaningful experience.

Putting fun first, we will create a place where you can shine brightly.



出張事業Requests for Performances and Workshops

  • JP
  • EN


Spot Lights offers a variety of event appearances, workshops, and lectures:

Event appearance request examples: School performances, school festivals, kindergarten and nursery school parties, ceremonies, hospital events, community events, music events
Workshop request examples: Dance workshops (schools, nursing homes, etc.), sign language workshops (online and in-person)
Lecture request example: Career education

We are always open to new ideas too and will work with you to accommodate any request.



アートイベント事業Spot Lights Events

  • JP
  • EN


We are collaborating with a variety of artists and companies to hold art events, live performances, workshops, and online talks. We hope you will join us for diverse cultural experiences and creative physical expression.


「普段は感じたことを表現するのが苦手ですが、とにかく楽しくて、あっという間の90分でした。」 「自分の内側に初めての感覚が生まれてくる面白さがありました。ぜひ多くの人に体験してほしいです。



Kiyoka's Story主宰者メッセージ




Spot Lightsでの事業を通じて、「アート・エンターテイメント」をより身近にしていくことで人生を豊かにし、新しい自分と出会い、新しい世界とつながるきっかけづくりができればと思っております。


What began as a fascination is now a passion I want to share with others.

When I was a child, I had difficulty fitting in. I never felt I like I belonged. I chose to stay silent out of fear that I would be rejected by others. During that time, dance was the one way I was able to express myself. Art provided an outlet to express my deepest feelings and gave me confidence. I found a place where I belonged. At Spot Lights, I want to give others the opportunity to have the same life-enhancing experience with art.

I started this project to explore activities that connect art and daily life. Spot Lights aspires to enrich people’s lives by making art more accessible while creating opportunities to meet new people and expand their world.

We believe you too can shine.

Kiyoka's Story

中西 浄華
世界大会1位タップダンサー 中西 浄華

Kiyoka's Story


Support Artists, Specialists(連携アーティスト、五十音順)

  • 大畑 楽歩
    大畑 楽歩Rabu Ohata
    (脳性まひ者、Office楽歩代表)- Cerebral palsy
    Drummer, dancer, mental health counselor
  • 岡﨑 伸彦
    岡﨑 伸彦Nobuhiko Okazaki
    (聴覚障害者、手話エンターテイメント発信団oioi代表)- Deaf
    Japanese Sign Language performer
  • 鴨川ハルモニカ
    鴨川ハルモニカ uhey/カトウミケルKamogawa Harmonica
    鍵盤演奏、作曲、音響Kamogawa Harmonica (uhey, Mikeru Kato)
    Keyboardist duo, composers, sound crew
  • 黒野 寛馬
    黒野 寛馬Hiroma Kurono
    ジャンプロープ(世界チャンピオン)Jump rope world champion
  • 酒田 しんご
    酒田 しんごShingo Sakata
    (7ボール日本記録保持者)7-ball juggling Japanese record holder
  • ずの
    リハビリ・ダンス(理学療法士免許、FRPピラティスインストラクター)Physiotherapist, FTP pilates instructor, dancer
  • 橋本 昌也
    橋本 昌也Masaya Hashimoto
    マジック・パントマイム(文化庁「第26回国民文化祭」京都特別賞)Magician, pantomimist, Agency for Cultural Affairs’ National Arts Festival Kyoto award-winner
  • 華~puspa~
    タップダンス、コンテンポラリーダンス(世界大会1位)World champion sister tap duo
  • 松島 亜希
    松島 亜希Aki Matsushima
    世界初!魅せる補聴器アクセサリー 松島亜希(政府国際広報掲載。NHK WORLD出演、アート補聴器「十彩」代表)World’s first hearing aid cover designer
  • 横田 涼子
    横田 涼子Ryoko Yokota
    簪制作・アートディレクション(世界三大フォトコンテンスト受賞、株式会社リリューム代表)Kanzashi creator, art director, Moscow International Foto Awards winner
    フリースタイルフットボール(世界チャンピオン)Freestyle Football World Champion Duo
